
End Poverty Give Opportunity (EPGO) is a private, voluntary, non-governmental organization based in Lagos State. EPGO is involved in community development, especially in the area of youth and women empowerment. EPGO commenced operation in 2021 and is duly registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria, Special Control Unit Against Money Laundering SCUML.

EPGO will be the leading MFI. We belief that leadership is about empathy. It is about having the ability to relate and connect with people for the purpose of inspiring and Empowering their lives.

We came into existence in a bid to solve a prevalent socio-economic problem in contemporary Nigeria, which bothers on the pessimistic attitude of youth and vulnerable women to life in recent times. Most young men and women just drift along in life without a definite focus. Young widows live in misery because of a lack of self-development. This is a major problem in our national life, as the human factor is the pivot of national development. These negative values can be re-evaluated through conscious re-orientation of the young minds. This is the commitment of EPGO to social and economic development in 21st Century Nigeria.

We are focusing on capacity building for youth and women, in the areas of Vocational Skills Acquisition, Leadership and Personality Development, Entrepreneurship, Micro-credit facilities, and Scholarship, to ensure the harnessing of useful potentials inhibited in our youth for economic viability, self-reliance, integrity, and confidence, wealth creation, moral and infrastructure development in the localities..

Our aim, in the long run, to reverse the value of over-dependence on government for employment, extensive emphasis on paper qualification, to introspective drive for innovation and creativity among youths towards a more dignified and meaningful life and a revitalized economy. We aim also to promote the relevance of women in economic and social development by refocusing their approach to business and family.

The clients of EPGO will consist of petty traders, small shop owners, kiosk owners, small restaurant owners, hairdressing salons, and barbers, transport associations, telephone operators’ etc, specific loan products have been developed to meet the financial services needs of the identified target market.

EPGO has identified risks peculiar to microfinance sectors such as product risks, credit risk, competition/marketing risk, capital risk, fraud risks, and natural disaster risk, and adequate mitigation strategies have therefore been formulated.

Our Vision

Investing in you, growing together. 

Our Mission

Our primary mission is to promote thrift and accredit Micro-Entrepreneurs. We believe the best way to end poverty is by giving opportunities.